
Please note:
In case of missing consent of users we aren’t able to track certain events. The marked KPIs (*) will be extrapolated based on the performance of users who have been given the necessary tracking consent.

Key Performance Indicator (KPI)





Advertising Spend/
Budget (n/n)

Net/net worth of the budget that has been invested

Spent budget is based on delivered ads and booked CPM (net/net).

Onsite: All Bookings
Offsite: All Bookings

Ad Impressions

Sum of Ad Displays that have been seen by users for at least 50% and at least one second (viewability: 50/1)

This KPI shows the reach that a campaign has generated.

Onsite: All Bookings
Offsite: CPM and CPC Bookings


Sum of shops in which the ad has been displayed in the reported period

This number illustrates the reach that onsite campaigns have due to the effect of the shop network.

Onsite: All Bookings


Sum of Ad Displays for CPV Bookings that have been seen by users for at least 50% and at least one second (viewability: 50/1)

This KPI shows the reach that a campaign has generated.

Offsite: Flow Ads (Kairion Targeting)



Sum of banner clicks that resulted in a redirect to the landing page

This KPI indicates the number of users which interacted directly with a banner. Clicks are a good measure to evaluate the overall design quality and message of a banner.

Onsite: All Bookings
Offsite: All Bookings

Click-through-Rate (CTR)
Proportion of clicks and ad impressions

This KPI measures the part of the user’s intensive engagement with the advertised brand that is triggered through interaction with the ad. Especially the targeting and design influence the CTR.

Onsite: All Bookings
Offsite: All Bookings

View-through-Rate (VTR)

Percentage of users that have seen XX% of the Video Ad

This KPI measures how intensively a user wants to engage with the advertised brand at the time of the view und how attractive a video ad is designed over its duration.

Offsite: All Video Formats



Sum of all purchases after ad impression including at least one of the advertised products

Purchase is a measure indicating the general conversion after banner view. It shows how many users have bought a campaign product after banner view. If numbers of units sold and purchases are taken into account it may indicate if users are regular buyers buying more than one product on avarage or not.

Onsite: Purchase

Units sold*

Sum of all product units bought after ad impression

This number shows how many campaign products were bought after banner view by each user in total. If you take the number of units sold and the turnover into account it shows the average price at which users have bought the campaign products.

Onsite: Purchase


Total turnover that has been generated by advertised products after ad impression

Next to turnover, advertising spend is the main KPI affecting the ROAS. The higher the campaign turnover the better for the ROAS performance.

Onsite: Purchase

Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS)

Proportion of turnover that has been generated by the campaign (after ad impression) and the invested budget (net/net)

It is a cost efficiency measure which shows the return of turnover the campaign generates per invested Euro. It shows how cost efficient in terms of the chosen targeting a campaign was displayed. It is expected to have a higher value the closer the chosen targeting is to the core targeting of a product.

Onsite: Purchase

Conversion-Rate (CVR)

Proportion of purchases after ad impressions

Is a relative metric describing how many ad impressions have been converted into purchases. Especially the targeting influences the CVR.

Onsite: Purchase

© 2025 • Kairion GmbH • Ein Unternehmen der ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE